I see lots of blogs with crafts and I love them. Over the past few weeks, I have become so inspired and interested again. I have painted, decoupaged and created since I was a teenager, but with my third son born, I just sort of...um, yeah, I forgot. I heard that happens once the baby comes out. At least I think I heard that, but I CAN'T REMEMBER! Well, I thought it would be ncie to put some of my crafty-ness up and perhaps someone else would be inspired. We have remodeled our own house along the way, so perhaps soon I'll do some before and afters, but for now...LA CRAFSSSS

This was an ostrich egg that I decoupaged. The floral was meticulously cut out with teeny tiny scissors and then glued onto the egg. 40 or so layers of mod-podge later with hours of sanding, a gloss varnish and there you go. It was a wedding gift for some very special family members. I added some photography of rosemary and thyme on the back--everything I used was symbolic.
This was a desk set I did for a mom for her at home office. It was fun putting it all together.
Decoupaged for a teenager's room.

Done for someone's little princess. I wrote scriptures on the back. This was actually one of my first clients ever. She was a sweet Christian lady.
WOW!!!! You have been busy busy busy. You have some major talent. I just love everything.
Great job! It all looks great!
GIRL!!!!!...... you are seriously talented in the decor area. It is funny how kids and life take over,and we just try to exit and remain on top of things.!!!
What lovely things! I am in love with the dresser!!
Whoa...you've put us all to shame! I think your crafts are wonderful. I especially love the letters hanging by the ribbons!! You're quite talented and should be proud of your hard work. Don't stop now that your 3rd child is here...keep crafting! I keep my sanity by scrapbooking - you can keep yours by crafting. = )
The chess table is wonderful! They all are, but THAT is my favorite. ~K
God has given you so much talent....(and beautiful a family). I hope you always do what you love, because your great at it! The color combination/ painting techniques used for that dresser....perfect combination...it is stunning. I love it.
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