This is my nephew. This very special moment came just moments after the military funeral service for my father took place. The Chaplain stated, "Dennis honored the flag with his life; now the flag will honor Dennis." Then came the twenty-one gun salute; taps was played. It was beautiful. But, in the midst of the sad encore of walking away from where my father's remains would, remain, came a wonderful treasure hunt for those interested: the shell casings from the twenty-one gun salute. At first, I wondered why my nephews, aunts and cousins were doing a sort of chicken stroll and staring at the ground. For some reason, it took me quite a while to ask. Oh, the bullets, I thought!
The following day at the Smithsonian, my husband came up with the idea of having dog tags made with my father's name, Arlington N C and the date of interment on them, we'll make a hole in the bullet shell and our two oldest boys along with my youngest nephew will get them as a remembrance of their special treasure hunt.
In the midst of the mundane, exhausting trial of grief, God gave us these little gifts. I am thankful.
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TUESDAYS UNWRAPPEDThank you Emily for helping me to recognize these moments.
I am so sorry for your loss. Isn't it wonderful when we can have these little blessings even in the middle of grief and pain? God is so good.
I'm also sorry for your loss, Katrina. I don't know what else to say...
with love and hugs,
what a meaningful rememberance of your dad's life for them to keep close to their hearts!
I hope this honouring helps you heal.
What a beautiful idea ..... the boys will treasure those! Sending God's love and peace to you all!!
btw .... your nephew looks SOOOO much like you K!
What a special way to commemorate your father's legacy of leadership and service. My heart goes out to you and your family.
I think that is a fine way to remember your father!
We are going to visit Arlington Nat'l tomorrow... I will be thinking of your and praying for you.
What a beautiful way to remember your father who served our country! And what a cherished keepsake for your familly.
Delighted to meet you today. Hope you don't mind new visitors!
Blessings for your day,
Sarah Dawn
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