Monday, November 2, 2009


Our School's very small, so we keep all the resources in here and bring the work out to the dining or living room (lounge for reading!) The book rack was an awesome find at Costco for $15. It holds all their notebooks. The cup was a pencil organize that my husband just screwed to the wall. It works perfectly. The baby's desk is in the middle. He likes being involved.
We are using My Father's World, Exploring Countries and Cultures. I am amazed at how this works. I spend a few minutes of prep time each day for the boxes.
I couldn't be happier with the organization of Workboxes.

Since the boys use many of the same resources, often I just put a sticky in the box and they know to just get the book when it's done, or they check if their brother would like to read with them or not.

1 comment:

Karin Katherine said...

Looks great! Thanks for posting. My favorite thing EVER is to look at other school rooms and systems.