Thursday, December 3, 2020

Glittery Christmas Ornament

The Ingredients:

 A plastic bulb, glitter glue, decorative paper and one good long, bendable paper-clip and a screw, yes a screw. 

1.Take the top off the ornament. Squeeze about a tsp or more of glue in the bulb, Drop the screw in and replace cover. Shake, rattle and roll the bulb. The screw will dispense and spread the glitter glue all around. If your screw and glue gets stuck, give it a good shake. Keep it up until all the glue is spread around. Remove the cover and drop the screw out on wax paper or paper plate

2. Find a decorative picture you'd like to display on the inside of the bulb. In mine, I chose the nativity. Slide it in the top of the ornament, face out--you'll curve it to the roundness of the opening. Then using the curved paper-clip, guide it into place. The glue already on the inside of the bulb will help!

3. Replace the top and add a ribbon on top.